Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible
Phaidon Press

A monograph on the influential product designer Dieter Rams. The fascinating life story of Dieter Rams is laid out in a classic reading book format, with a margin references to corresponding images.
Alongside the historic sketches, prototypes, and product shots of Rams's work, are three sets of photographic portfolios taken at Rams's house in Kronberg, and at the Braun Archive.
The cover is printed in a unique screen printing technique with raised transparent ink that gives a tactile feel to the design detail. The font Lettera-Txt was designed for this book, and is available at Lineto.
Alongside the historic sketches, prototypes, and product shots of Rams's work, are three sets of photographic portfolios taken at Rams's house in Kronberg, and at the Braun Archive.
The cover is printed in a unique screen printing technique with raised transparent ink that gives a tactile feel to the design detail. The font Lettera-Txt was designed for this book, and is available at Lineto.